Testing Information
ALTUS Laboratories is an institute formed with a vision of providing focused, reliable and quality diagnostic services to the region. In existence ALTUS offers extensive lab test menu of all divisions of laboratory medicine (Anatomic Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Hematopathology, Cytopathology, Immunopathology, Serology & Molecular diagnostics).

Altus lab defines critical values as alert or panic values that indicates a possible life threatening situation for the patient. Prompt verbal notification is provided to clients for results that are Altus – defined critical values and require the immediate attention of a clinician/physician.
The test results are communicated only to member of healthcare team responsible for the patient and authorized to take patient result.
For authentication, clients’ contacts are asked for:
- Their full name
- Their department
- Their position/title
Test results are not left on voice mail. All verbal critical notifications are documented and records are stored by Altus.
Consideration of a consent form to be signed by the patient should not obscure the important fact that the form itself is not the consent. The explanation given by physician, the dialogue between the physician and patient about the proposed treatment is all important element of the consent process. The form is simply evidentiary, written confirmation that explanations were given and the patient agreed to what was proposed.